Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm back

Well, it's more than a year since I successfully gave up smoking using Champix, however, I spent 2 months in  South America on my honeymoon and both me and my wife sadly starting smoking again. I know, I know... There are a number of reasons for us starting smoking again, which I won't go into, but let's just say it was a silly decision. 

We were both smoke free for around 8 months, which is my record out of all the ways I've tried to give up smoking. As someone said in the comments, don't think you are in the clear for a good couple of years.

The Australian government is kind enough to subsidise Champix once a year, so I'm going to give it another shot, this time for good!

Off to see the doc in the next week or so, then back on to the ye olde faithful...

This time, I promise I'll update the blog more regularly - it's self reassuring mechanism for me as much as anyone else.