Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 14 - the day I quit for good!

Yep, well here I am, been on Champix for 2 weeks and feeling pretty darn good about myself. Over the last few days I've been cutting down significantly to 2 or 3 a day, and even then could only manage half a smoke. Got up this morning and thought, today is the day I stop smoking.
Hardly any cravings, maybe for 30 seconds, then goes away, but not the unstoppable beast that cravings are when you try and give up cold turkey.
A good strategy I think cutting down is when you feel like a smoke, tell yourself you'll have one in 5 minutes if you still feel like one then - so far, this has worked 99% of the time for me.
I know, this blog might seem like an ad for Champix, it's not, I'm simply sharing my experience with others as I know people are hunting out information.
Give it a go, if you experience the same impact as me, you'll be over the moon!

Monday, May 4, 2009

5 Days on Champix

It's been 5 days since I started taking Champix again. Already I can feel the effect of them, i.e. I'm less inclined to smoke. In recent months I've been smoking 10 - 15 a day, but for the last 2 days, I think I've only had 5 a day.
The plan is to stop by Thursday 7 May (six months exactly since I got married). I'm pretty confident about stopping on or before the day.

Side effects this time round? Only a few vivid dreams, nothing nasty, just feels like there's been a dozen stories going on in my head all night.

Feel free to ask questions in the comments if you have any.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm back

Well, it's more than a year since I successfully gave up smoking using Champix, however, I spent 2 months in  South America on my honeymoon and both me and my wife sadly starting smoking again. I know, I know... There are a number of reasons for us starting smoking again, which I won't go into, but let's just say it was a silly decision. 

We were both smoke free for around 8 months, which is my record out of all the ways I've tried to give up smoking. As someone said in the comments, don't think you are in the clear for a good couple of years.

The Australian government is kind enough to subsidise Champix once a year, so I'm going to give it another shot, this time for good!

Off to see the doc in the next week or so, then back on to the ye olde faithful...

This time, I promise I'll update the blog more regularly - it's self reassuring mechanism for me as much as anyone else.