Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 14 - the day I quit for good!

Yep, well here I am, been on Champix for 2 weeks and feeling pretty darn good about myself. Over the last few days I've been cutting down significantly to 2 or 3 a day, and even then could only manage half a smoke. Got up this morning and thought, today is the day I stop smoking.
Hardly any cravings, maybe for 30 seconds, then goes away, but not the unstoppable beast that cravings are when you try and give up cold turkey.
A good strategy I think cutting down is when you feel like a smoke, tell yourself you'll have one in 5 minutes if you still feel like one then - so far, this has worked 99% of the time for me.
I know, this blog might seem like an ad for Champix, it's not, I'm simply sharing my experience with others as I know people are hunting out information.
Give it a go, if you experience the same impact as me, you'll be over the moon!


UtterConfusion said...

Hi there. I just started champix, today is Day 2. I was wondering if you had any anxiety issues while taking it? I had 2 panic attacks within an hour, approx. 12 hours after taking my first one yesterday...whether it was due to the pill or due to stress, I can't say. But I am nervous about starting the 2 a day. Thank you for your response.

Unknown said...

I am on Day 5 of NOT smoking. The test for me will be this weekend. I have been ok during the week but started eating a little more to compensate for the time so I joined Weight Watchers last night to keep track of things. Hopefully I won't smoke tonight or this weekend cause that would suck. I am really proud of myself at the moment. I feel a little sick after taking it but it goes away pretty quickly. Hopefully I will be a non smoker forever...

Grin said...

How come every Champix blog I see always finishes a couple weeks into the regimen? Check out my champix blog http://mychampixdreams.blogspot.jp/

For on going Champix info and dreams! The dreams are the best part. They keep me entertained.